SAF-Holland welcomes finance executive to leadership team

Equipment specialist, SAF-Holland, has announced a new appointment to its Supervisory Board.

Jurate Keblyte has been appointed as a new member of the Supervisory Board by the District Court of Aschaffenburg, effective 3 April 2023. The court appointment was necessary following the resignation of Martina Merz from the company’s Supervisory Board, effective 12 December 2022, leaving the Supervisory Board short-staffed for a period of over three months.

The Supervisory Board of SAF-Holland SE plans to propose to the company’s Annual General Meeting, scheduled for 23 May 2023, that Keblyte be elected for the remaining term of office of the Supervisory Board members that runs until the end of the Annual General Meeting resolving on the discharge of the members for the 2023 financial year.

Keblyte is a member of the Management Board and CFO of the listed company GRAMMER AG, Ursensollen, Germany. She is responsible for Accounting & Controlling, Finance & Treasury, Investor Relations, Human Resources, Legal & Compliance as well as IT and Risk Management.

“We consider ourselves fortunate to have won Jurate Keblyte for our Board,” said Dr Martin Kleinschmitt, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of SAF-Holland SE.

“She brings years of financial expertise combined with extensive know-how from the automotive supply industry and other manufacturing industries.

“Based on her international background and corporate governance experience at listed companies, she is ideal as new appointment to the Supervisory Board.

“We look forward to working with her and propose to the Annual General Meeting that she be elected as a member of the Supervisory Board beyond the expiration of her court appointment.”

Keblyte holds a Master of Science in Management and Economics. In 2001 she began her professional career at Giesecke & Devrient GmbH, where she held various positions in the Controlling department. In 2010, she moved to the finance department of KUKA AG and, in her last position from 2013 to 2017, served as a member of the Executive Board and CFO of the KUKA Robotics Division. From 2018 to 2019, Keblyte was Chief Financial and Operating Officer at Baltics Yachts OY Ab Ltd. in Jakobstad, Finland. In August 2019, Jurate Keblyte was appointed to the Management Board of GRAMMER AG as the CFO.

This article originally appeared on Global Trailer.

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