QTA announces new service to help address workforce shortages

QTA announces new service to help address workforce shortages

The Queensland Trucking Association (QTA) has appointed Angela Mottram to its team as the industry workforce advisor for transport and logistics.

Mottram has a strong industry engagement background and has extensive experience with a variety of workforce projects across different sectors including mining and warehousing. Most recently she worked on the Digital Literacy Skills Online Training program for drivers launched by Tafe Queensland in 2022.

“With a focus on supporting SME employers within the transport and logistics sector this new position will provide a valuable consultation service around workforce planning to address current labour and skill shortages,” said QTA CEO Gary Mahon.

Mahon said that the workforce advisor position will bolster the current advisory services that the QTA already provides through funding from the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training (DESBT) and is delighted to bring Mottram on to the team.

“Many businesses find it challenging to navigate the support that is available, and Angela is able to advise on current state and federal government initiatives to support businesses with their individual workforce needs.  This includes connections and referrals to relevant DESBT programs and grant funding, industry-based initiatives and Australian Government wage subsidies and employer incentives.”

Added Mottram: “I enjoy helping people and workforce planning is a great tool for businesses of any size to really get ahead of issues and start being proactive. Whether its planning for future growth, working on current recruitment issues or identifying workforce gaps. It can be difficult to know what support is out there, what your eligible for or how to innovate when tried and true HR strategies aren’t giving you the results they once did.”

The workforce advisory services are available to SME’s in the industry including the road freight, passenger transport, maritime, aviation and rail sectors.

According to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Australia’s freight task is the fifth largest in the world with in excess of 750 billion tonne kilometres and a multi modal approach from road, rail, sea and air combining to transport goods around the country in a safe, efficient and productive manner.

Queensland carries a significant percentage, with road freight carrying 490 million tonnes kilometres in 2021 travelling about 17 billion kilometres.

With population growth in Australia one of the highest of OECD Nations (OECD, 2108b), freight volumes are predicted to grow 26 per cent by 2026 (National Transport Commission, 2016). The time is now to address workforce shortages to ensure the industry is sustainable into the future, says the QTA.

Recently the Queensland Government released its Workforce Strategy 2022-2023 to support innovative and practical solutions that are needed now to ensure Queensland has a ready workforce to support growth, strengthen communities and keep Queensland at the forefront of new economic opportunities. The government is committed to increasing the size, skills, and adaptability of the state’s workforce through this Workforce Strategy.

As part of the strategy, DESBT has funded workforce advisor positions across nine sectors; health, community services, first nations health care and social assistance, tourism hospitality and events, electrotechnology and utilities, automotive, business and ICT (Information, Communication Technology), retail and personal Services  and transport and logistics to drive Queensland towards a strong and diverse workforce ready to seize today’s jobs and adapt to future opportunities.

Trucking businesses who would like to connect with the advisor service, should contact the QTA office on 07 3394 4388 or email angela@qta.com.au.

This article originally appeared on Big Rigs magazine.

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